Virtual Worksop-cum-Training Progrmmeon Pharmacovigilance for NABH Accredited Hospitals in India


Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, National Coordination Centre for Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (NCC-PvPI), had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) for effective implementation of Pharmacovigilance system in the country.


NCC- PvPI successfully organised the Virtual Training on Pharmacovigilance for NABH Accredited Hospitals in India on 21st January 2022. The Training Programme was intended to provide a platform for the NABH-Accredited Hospitals to understand the systems and procedures involved in ADR-reporting and relevant practices. The training started with welcome address by Dr. Jai Prakash, Officer-in-Charge, PvPI, followed by Keynote address by Dr. Rajeev Singh Raghuvanshi, Secretary-cum-Scientific Director IPC. Dr. Raghuvanshi extended his warm greetings and best wishes to all the participants on behalf of IPC. He also shared his expectation to further expand PvPI.


The resource persons for virtual Worksop-cum-training included experts from NABH representative, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, PvPI and ADR Monitoring Centre who trained the participants during the training. A total of 96 participants from across the country attended the training programme. The training programme wasaimed to enhance the involvement of NABH Hospitals in monitoring and reporting of ADRs to PvPI. The virtual training programme is expected to strengthen the Pharmacovigilance activity at their respective organizations in order to protect the safety and well-being of the patients.  During the concluding remarks, Dr. Jai Prakash, Officer-in-Charge, PvPI, motivated the participants to report ADRs and enrol their organization as AMC under PvPI. He emphasized that Pharmacovigilance part of drug intervention is important not only during the drug development process but also after marketing authorization. Dr. Shashi Bhushan, Dr. R.S Ray, Mr. Akash Deep Rawat, Mr. Girjesh Vishwakarma, Mr. Omkar Mishra from NCC PvPI supported during the workshop. 


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