(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)

Sector-23, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad -201002


Subject: Background & Guide-lines of Question paper for written examination for the Post of Pharmacopoeia Proof Reader.

Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is an Autonomous Institution of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India. IPC is created to set standards of drugs in the country. Its basic function is to update regularly the standards of drugs commonly required for treatment of diseases prevailing in this region. IP prescribes standards for identity, purity and strength of drugs essentially required from health care perspective of human beings and animals.

IPC does sales of the following product/services as mentioned below


Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP); IP is recognized as the official book of standards for the drugs being manufactured and/or marketed in India. IP contains a collection of authoritative procedures of analysis and specifications of drugs for their identity, purity and strength.


National Formulary of India (NFI): IPC promotes rational use of generic medicines by publishing National Formulary of India.


IP Reference Substances (IPRS): IP Reference Substances, abbreviated as IPRS (and referred to as RS in the individual monographs) are issued by the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC). They are the official standards to be used in cases of arbitration.


Skill Development programs: IPC conducts multiple Skill Development Programme in Drug analysis, Pharmacovigilance Quality Assurance, Quality awareness and similar areas.

As per the Government guidelines for the Group B post, the selection of the same is thru written examination only.


Job requirements:

To perform the task related to proof reading of the various publications of the Commission. Shall perform the duties as may be assigned from time to time.


Expectation from Pharmacopoeia Proof Reader:

  1.  To maintain the content quality of the Indian Pharmacopoeia’s Publications.
  2.  Copy-editing and proof-reading the content
  3.  Careful reading of the complete content for language and stylistic consistency.
  4.  Editing the content for grammatical mistakes and ensuring grammatically and stylistically correct copies.
  5.  Create content properties that drive cross-platform interaction for the brand.
  6.  To create and deploy quality content, across digital communication channels.
  7.  Review & Rewriting of Content. Proof reading and writing for web based applications.
  8.  To perform quality assurance checks on edited manuscripts to ensure that they meet the standards of international publications.

Proposed Question paper Pattern on the basis of Expectations from Proof Reader:

  1.  100 MCQ having FOUR choices of which only one choice would be correct.
  2.  5 Subjective Questions to be answered.

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