Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is an autonomous institution of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India. The work of the IPC is performed in collaboration with members of the scientific body, subject experts, representatives from Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), state regulatory authorities, specialist from industries, associations, councils and from other scientific and academic institutions.

There are following four mandates of IPC:

  • To publish the Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP) and its addendum on regular interval;
  • To prepare and provide IP Reference Substances (IPRS) to stakeholders;
  • To publish the National Formulary of India for promoting the rational use of the generic medicines;
  •  Act as National Coordination Center (NCC) for Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) in order to monitor the adverse drug reactions and patient safety in the country.

Since for last one and half year IPC has been  focusing to develop the value based skill by imparting training at regular basis to analytical and regulatory officials involved in drug testing, quality, efficacy, research and patient safety in different states and central government laboratories as well as research centers. Being well equipped with modern sophisticated instrumental facilities for research and development work, the commission feels enthusiasm and planned to support the drug discovery and research activity where the researches do not have adequate facilities and facing problem in analyzing and characterization of their samples.

Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission encourages the scientific personnel involved in research organization/ laboratory to come and utilize the facility available at the Indian Pharmacopoeia laboratory. They are requested to forward the proposed training/ analysis through the head of the department/ institution clearly specifying the purpose of training / analysis and the benefits to be acquired to the society.

By using these facilities, there would be acceleration in national health programs which would ultimately result in the improvement of health of the peoples and domestic animal of our country.

Adverse drug Reactions (ADRs) are reported from all over the country to NCC PvPI which also works in collaboration with the global ADR monitoring centre (WHO Uppsala Monitoring Centre; WHOUMC), Sweden to contribute in the global ADRs data base. Once the Medical institute is enrolled as an ADR Monitoring Centre (AMC) under PvPI, the AMC starts reporting Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) to NCC via a VigiFlow. These ICSRs are then assessed at NCC for quality of data and if found valid, they are further committed to the global drug monitoring centre Uppsala Monitoring Centre in Sweden. NCC PvPI monitors the ADRs among Indian population and helps the regulatory authority of India (CDSCO) in taking decision for safe use of Medicines. The broadened patient safety scope of pharmacovigilance includes the detection of medicines of substandard quality as well as prescribing, dispensing and administration errors as well as providing the training regarding patient safety.


IPC encourages the NGOs and individuals in the PvPI programme to come forward and report the Adverse Drug Reactions.

List of instruments available at IPC:

S. No.

Name of instruments


NMR (500 MHz)




GC-MS Triple Quad




CHNS-elemental analyzer


Atomic absorption spectrometer


UV/Vis spectrophotometer


FT-IR Microscope spot light 200






HPLCs , UPLCs                                      




Ion chromatograph


Particle size analyzer




KF auto-titrator


Caulometric auto-titrator


Dissolution test apparatus


Disintegration test apparatus


Panels of the experts

-          Experts from the IPC

-          Experts from the Regulatory bodies

-          Experts from the industry/ institutions

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