The Library & Information Division houses approximately 39,885 reading materials, including pharmacopoeias from various countries; books on pharmaceutical chemistry, drugs, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, microbiology, biotechnology, instrumentation, pharmacovigilance, and administration; government publications; encyclopedias; annual reports; national and international standards; bound volumes of journals; theses/dissertations; training/project reports; photographs; and non-book materials.

The library also offers a comprehensive collection of national and international serials and periodicals, along with a vast array of e-resources and the DELNET database, covering a wide range of subjects to ensure users remain well-informed in the fields of drugs, pharmaceutical sciences, and related areas.

Books are catalogued and classified using the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system and the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR-II). The library also operates an open access system to facilitate user consultation.



Bound Volume Journals

                      Bound Volume Journals_Subject.pdf

                      Bound Volume Journals_Title.pdf



Vol. 1, 1966 Vol. 11, 1976 Vol. 21, 1986 Vol. 31, 1996 Vol. 41, 2006 Vol. 51, 2016
Vol. 2, 1967 Vol. 12, 1977 Vol. 22, 1987 Vol. 32, 1997 Vol. 42, 2007 Vol. 52, 2017
Vol. 3, 1968 Vol. 13, 1978 Vol. 23, 1988 Vol. 33, 1998 Vol. 43, 2008 Vol. 53, 2018
Vol. 4, 1969 Vol. 14, 1979 Vol. 24, 1989 Vol. 34, 1999 Vol. 44, 2009 Vol. 54, 2019
Vol. 5, 1970 Vol. 15, 1980 Vol. 25, 1990 Vol. 35, 2000 Vol. 45, 2010 Vol. 55, 2020
Vol. 6, 1971 Vol. 16, 1981 Vol. 26, 1991 Vol. 36, 2001 Vol. 46, 2011 Vol. 56, 2021
Vol. 7, 1972 Vol. 17, 1982 Vol. 27, 1992 Vol. 37, 2002 Vol. 47, 2012 Vol. 57, 2022
Vol. 8, 1973 Vol. 18, 1983 Vol. 28, 1993 Vol. 38, 2003 Vol. 48, 2013 Vol. 58, 2023
Vol. 9, 1974 Vol. 19, 1984 Vol. 29, 1994 Vol. 39, 2004 Vol. 49, 2014 Vol. 59, 2024
Vol. 10, 1975 Vol. 20, 1985 Vol. 30, 1995 Vol. 40, 2005 Vol. 50, 2015